
God has called us as salt and light in our community. Click Here for the 2021 update to our FPC Vision.

Frenchay Parish Church is very much part of the wider community. Together with other community groups we seek to serve and support one another.

Kate Davison is our community liaison. You can contact her directly





Frenchay Links

Frenchay Church of England Primary School Our small village primary school for 4 – 11 year olds situated in the conservation area of Frenchay.

Frenchay Community Info about the vibrant life of Frenchay and links to our local councillors

Frenchay Village Hall Serving the local community for over 100 years the hall is managed and maintained by volunteers to help meet the wide needs of many different users.

Friends (Quakers)

New Life Church Meets in Frenchay Village Hall


Other Links

Holy Trinity, Stapleton Our partner church

Waterbrook Church Meets at Begbrook School

Bristol Diocese