Our Vision

Click here for more info about the direction God is leading us.

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Welcome to FPC!

We are the Church on the common serving the whole community of Frenchay. Whether you’ve lived whether you’ve lived here or nearby for 2 months or 20 years, you are most welcome!

About usContact Us

New to Frenchay?

Frenchay Parish Church is very much part of the wider community. Together with other community groups we seek to serve and support one another.

Find Hope and Meaning

Find the source of true and lasting peace as we experience uncertainty in the world.

Helping Ukrainian refugees

Find out more about how we are responding to the needs of Ukrainian refugees living in our area.

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Upcoming Events

Mid-week Communion:
On Thursday 30th January and Thursday 27th
February there will be a mid-week Communion Service. The Service
will start at 9.30am and will last around 20 minutes. Everyone is very

On 23rd February at 6pm The Bishop of Swindon, the Right Reverend Neil Warwick and Archdeacon Christopher Bryan will lead a licensing service for Rev. Anton Campbell and Rev. Ruth Harding.

Visit Us!

Our Sunday services are:
Sundays: 10.30am and  6.00pm

Call us: 07380 570547
Email us: officefpchts@gmail.com