Giving @ FPC

As disciples, knowing God, showing God, and sharing God, the way we organise our priorities is of paramount importance. If Jesus is the centre of our life, then all our decisions should be directed to Him.

Our morning service contains the following words: “all things come from you [God] and of your own do we give you.” Since the Lord has provided us with so much in material terms, it is both our responsibility and our joy to give back to him. It is an act of gratitude as well as an act of faith in God our provider.

It is the practice in many churches to give 10% of income back to the church and this is a helpful figure to bear in mind. However, it is far more important to give whole-heartedly since “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7)

Making a regular payment is the most helpful way for us as a church, as this enables us to plan for ministry development in the knowledge of a regular income.

If you are a UK taxpayer, we benefit (at no extra cost to you) if you sign a Gift Aid Declaration. This enables us to claim an additional 25% from the Government. You need to make sure that you will have paid enough tax in the Tax Year to cover the amount that the church reclaims on your giving. Simply email your competed form to us.


At Frenchay Parish Church you can give in various ways:

Online: Click on the Paypal link or the QR code below and follow the instructions and options. If you wish to set up reoccurring donations via the Paypal donation link, simply follow the Paypal instructions.

Standing Order: Frenchay Parochial Church Council, HSBC Bank, Sort Code:   40-14-21, Account Number: 31097083

By cheque: Made payable to: Frenchay Parochial Church Council. These may be posted to the Church address.

Cash donations: These are welcome when in the church building (gift aid forms available). Just use the dedicated postbox in the entrance area when the church is open or at the taking of the offering during the services.

Payment card: Via card reader when visiting the church or see above for online payments

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it!” (Psalm 24:1)

or click here:

Thank you for helping us to continue in our mission to ‘Know God, Show God and Share God’ through the Christian ministry of this church