Jesus said, ‘Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden’.

What might it mean for a someone does not yet follow Christ or come to church, to ‘come to Jesus’? How does a person find Jesus today?  What does Jesus have to offer to the person who does come to him?

There is a growing concern for our planet.  Most of us, I guess, would like to hand on to our children and grandchildren a legacy of recovery for our environment, rather than a countdown to destruction.  Two things are evident, in that case.  One, that our lives on earth are only temporary.  Second, that we wish for life to be safe and enjoyable on this planet.

I present to you Jesus.  Born a baby in Bethlehem, died on a Cross outside Jerusalem, risen from the dead and showing his scarred hands and feet to his followers.  His life, seen through the joy of his union with God, was and is, offered to us.

How would you come to him today?  Suppose you like what you see and hear of Jesus, how do you begin a relationship with him?

May I suggest that you recognise you are standing on holy ground.  In the beginning, before the world was made by God, Jesus was in God.  We can begin by saying sorry to Him, for messing up.  Next we can accept his invitation to lay our burden at the foot of the Cross and receive his forgiveness in exchange. As we rise to our feet in his presence, we can ask him to fill us with his Holy Spirit of life.

This experience of coming to Christ will be personal and different for each one. If you have made this step, over a long time, or over a short time, there will be a natural next step.  This is to seek out other Christians.  That’s where our church comes in.  And not just in the parish church building.  Messy Church, beginning on September 10 in Stapleton Church Hall, 23 Park Road at 4pm is another way for people of all ages to come together, seeking more of Jesus and his life.

I thank God that the life Jesus offers never ends.  Not even death can separate us from him once we have come to him.